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Laser Pointer Golf Swing Corrector

Laser Pointer Golf Swing Corrector

Regular price $39.99 USD
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The Golf Swing Corrector Laser Plane Trainer is an innovative tool designed to enhance golfers' swing mechanics and overall performance on the course. Here's how it works and why it's beneficial:

  1. Swing-Plane Training Aid: One of the fundamental aspects of a successful golf swing is maintaining the correct swing plane throughout the entire motion. The Golf Swing Corrector Laser Plane Trainer helps golfers visualize and understand their swing plane by projecting a laser spot or line onto the ground or a nearby surface. This visual feedback allows golfers to see the path of their club and make adjustments to ensure they're swinging on the correct plane.

  2. Alignment and Accuracy: Proper alignment is essential for achieving consistent and accurate shots in golf. The laser pointer or spot provided by the trainer serves as a guide for golfers to align their stance, clubface, and body position correctly. By following the laser's direction, golfers can improve their alignment and aim more precisely, leading to better ball striking and shot accuracy.

  3. Instant Feedback: One of the most significant advantages of the Golf Swing Corrector Laser Plane Trainer is its ability to provide immediate feedback to golfers during practice sessions. As golfers swing the club, they can see in real-time how the laser spot moves and whether it stays on the desired path. This instant feedback allows golfers to identify any flaws or inconsistencies in their swing mechanics and make timely adjustments to correct them.

  4. Muscle Memory Development: Consistent practice with the Golf Swing Corrector Laser Plane Trainer helps golfers develop muscle memory for a more repeatable and efficient swing motion. By repeatedly swinging the club while focusing on following the laser's path, golfers train their muscles to perform the correct movements instinctively, even without the aid of the trainer during actual rounds of golf.

  5. Versatility and Portability: The Golf Swing Corrector Laser Plane Trainer is designed to be lightweight, portable, and easy to use on the driving range or practice green. Its compact size and simple setup make it convenient for golfers to bring along with them wherever they go, allowing for consistent practice and improvement regardless of location.

Overall, the Golf Swing Corrector Laser Plane Trainer is a valuable training aid for golfers of all skill levels who are looking to refine their swing mechanics, improve their accuracy and consistency, and ultimately take their game to the next level.


Laser Golf Swing Corrector

If you've ever spoken to a pro or had golf lessons, you'll know just how crucial it is that your golf swing is "on plane". 

By simply placing another golf club, an alignment rod or drawing a chalk line on the ground or driving-range mat, the Laser Plane Trainer will instantly show you whether you're swing is over or under plane and you will very quickly pick up the feel of that on plane swing. 

Simply attach to the bottom of your golf club and switch on. The Laser Plane Trainer will give you 3 reference points during a full swing to see if you're on plane. The backswing, the downswing and the follow through. 

This training aid also includes a BUTTON PROTECTOR that clips onto the product to prevent the laser turning on whilst in your packet/bag when not being used and draining the batteries. 

Easily attaches to almost any golf club. 

Suitable for right and left handed golfers. 

Suitable for men, women and children of all ages.

Ultra compact size and lightweight sleek design.



Size: 60mm x 13.5mm

Weight: 29g

Batteries: 3 x LR44 Button battery included (also known as AG13)

Power:  <5mW

Attention: The device launch a laser spot,Not a laser line!! the display of 

the laser may be different under different lighting conditions. Using it indoors will appear brighter..

User Guide

------Firstly, Rotate screws and fixed the Laser pointer on the top of grip.

------All you need to do is find or create a target line against which to measure your swing plane. (alignment sticks works better).

-------Practice your swing until the laser stays parallel to your target line throughout your swing, checking during your backswing, downswing and follow through .

--------With some practice using this laser golf swing plane trainer you will develop muscle memory, and by practicing with your own clubs, you will be able to easily transfer your training to the course and improve your golf swing in no time.

--------Works best on practice swings to get the feel of being on proper plane.

This item has been purchased by many golf pros/coaches who use them for all their new students/clients. 

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